What is a doula?
The Greek word translates to handmaiden or servant. So a birth doula serves you & your family in your labor preparation, birthing, & postpartum needs. This is a most beautiful, sweet & vulnerable time for a woman. Who better to serve her than another woman who has birthed her own family and served other women in this loving capacity for 16 years?
Best gift for a Dad to be!
Trust & commitment are vital to relationship. A doula gives a father-to-be another team player to count on for this birth journey. Taking classes, building relationship & hiring an advocate for natural birth gives you the advantage of laboring at home before going to your birth place (less time in the hospital) helping you avoid interventions. Your doula will serve you as well as the laboring mother. Your OBs & nurses will not be there for every contraction, nor will they stand watch while you recharge your self with a nap or some food or fresh air. Give your new family the gift of a doula.
Studies show that doulas can
Most of my work is done the last few weeks of gestation, encouraging mom & being available for concerns & questions that come up.
Helping a mom go into labor on her own & avoiding induction
In my experience c-ssection rates with a doula are about 50% of the hospital's rate.
Build confidence
Postpartum services are available on request & can be helpful for 1st time mom breastfeeding questions, moms with toddlers, & those who do not have family in town to help those first few weeks.